run robot run?

Ujina Island Hiroshima, Japan •      6,1 km  (per round)

Are we machines? Running is a mechanical process, yes we can run and the only reason why we are faster than robots is probably because their feet are not as developed as their artificial intelligences yet. But what happens in our minds? What drives us? What keeps us going? When I started this blog I thought it was restlessness and craving for discoveries that requires new roads constantly, further and further away.

This brought me to the Ujina island in Hiroshima, just a little outside of the zone which got destroyed by the nuclear bomb. It is at first not the most appealing spot to run. The island itself is very small and because of the fog even the sea was hard to see. Still it was one of my rewarding run ever. Breathing and mechanic running movement got me into a mental space where I thought of almost nothing. This is one of the most refreshing things that can happen during running. But I realised this space is not tied to any location on the world. I don’t have to go back to Hiroshima, because it is inside me.

Maybe we can learn from robots how to meditate while running. And this may actually make us more human than before.

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