polite running

Imperial Palace Tokyo, Japan •      5,6km per round

Do manners matter for running? Not in the forest. In Tokyo’s density politeness is a guarantor for getting from A to B in the fastest way possible, whether by metro or by foot. Runners have to squeeze in just like everyone else. There are not many green spaces which are easily accessible for runners. Here are a few things I learnt from running in Tokyo:

  1. Be on time. The parks usually do not open before 9am and close at 6pm. To ensure that everyone leaves, the last runners are escorted out of the park by the police.
  2. Running Tourism is nice but taking too many pictures could cause an obstacle for other runners behind and in front.
  3. Weather is not a factor that holds people in Tokyo back from running. Slipping and falling in the rain could mean being overtaken by the swarm behind.

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