Running Faster Than Change

Phnom Penh, Cambodia      •      9,2 km     

Pnom Penh

A lot is changing in Phnom Penh. The city is just about to regain its cultural life back from Red Khmer tyranny. People are starting to live there again and build common outside exercise spots. The promenade along the Mehkong river is just one of them.

Independence Monument to Wat Botum Park      •      1,0 km

Relationships with Vietnam are still tensed. However, the Wat Botum Park with its huge war memorial is an expression of “friendship” between these nations, remembering the “liberation” of Cambodia from authoritarian rule through their neighbors. In the morning and evening, the wide streets along the memorial are full of children learning how to ride cycles, and youngsters listening to latest Cambodian music.


Wat Botum Park to Outdoor Gym at the Preah Sisowath Quay      •      1,6 km


Passing by the Royal Palace of the City and silver pagoda a lot of things are sold on the quay. But there is a free aerobic class every day at 5:30pm, mostly frequented by elderly people of Phnom Penh. Pumping music.

Outside Gym to Wat Pnomh      •      1,1 km

 It is slightly difficult to run on the road considering the congested traffic, but it is possible to escape from Tuk Tuk drivers and swarms of motor cycles. Although one of the most famous singers in Cambodia, Kak Channthy (lead of the Cambodian Space Project) just got killed in an accident with a motor rikshaw in March 2018. So it may be easier to just stay on the quay, do a few rounds and then return to the Independence monument.



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