Temple Run

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap Cambodia     •      24,5 km


Angkor is perfect for sports. Lush forests with temple ruins hidden under lianes waiting to be explored. Of course the main sites are really crammed and probably best explored with a lot of patience. But in between there are a lot of paths less frequented, where instead of blaring tour guide megaphones you have bird concerts all around you.

It is a bit of a stretch, especially in the hot climate to do the full suggested round. However, it is very easy to navigate within the area and it is also possible to do shorter rounds or rent a bycicle to explore the temples.

  1. Angkor Ticket office to Phnom Bakheng Sunrise Point      •      7,7 km

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It is worth an early morning run to escape the heat and indulge into the full fresh fragrance of jungle air. Just 1.5 kilometres from Angkor Wat is a small hill which can be climbed to get a distanced view on the monuments (Phnom Bakheng).

2. Phnom Bakheng to Angkor Thom      •      2,1 km

Angkor Thom is a wide stretch to host Chinese tour busses and individual strays in the woods. Behind the main road many small roads lead to interesting paths, guided by stone elephants.

3. Angkor Thom to Ta Keo     •      3,3 km

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Climb up the steep stairs for that extra kick. Upstairs are often temples Apart from that, the run through the forest is really flat and easy.

4. Ta Keo to Ta Prohm      •      2,2 km



Ta Prohm is probably the most contested space between human construction and nature in the area.

5. Ta Prohm to Exit      •      8,9 km

On the way to the exit, there are a lot of food options to get fresh coconut water. Monkeys are also aware of that. They might want to get their share in this.

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